of Construction and Use:
A large Roman basilica was built
behind and to the south of the South Stoa in the time of Caligula
(A.D. 37-41) or Claudius (A.D. 41-54). The South Basilica in
size and design has similarities with the neighboring Julian
Basilica. A large court for the South Basilica was built
in the area of shops X and XI of the South Stoa. The basilica
itself was a two-story structure with a main peristyle hall
above a four aisled cryptoporticus. The dimensions of the outer
walls are ca. 38.52 x 23.50 m, and the dimensions of the inner
peristyle were 26.10 x 11.80 m. Three large exedrae were built
into the rear, south wall of the basilica.
There is some evidence for repair
of the building during the last quarter of the first century
Picture from the Basilica:

- Weinberg, Saul S., Corinth
I, v, Results of Excavations conducted by the American
School of Classical Studies at Athens, The Southeast Building,
The Twin Basilicas, The Mosaic House. Princeton, 1960,
Figure 1: Restored
plan of the South Basilica in Corinth, A.D. 150
Click on
the figures to enlarge.

2: Actual State of the South Basilica