- In collaboration with Lothar Haselberger, Mapping
Augustan Rome, Journal of Roman Archaeology, Supplement 50,
Portsmouth, R.I., 2002
- With Irene Bald Romano, Catalogue
of the Classical Collections of the Glencairn Museum, Bryn Athyn,
Pa. 1999.
- With Donald White, Keith DeVries, Irene Bald Romano
and Yelena Stolyarik, The
Ancient Greek World, The Rodney S. Young Gallery, University
of Pennsylvania Museum, Philadelphia, 1995.
- Athletics
and Mathematics in Archaic Corinth: The Origins of the Greek Stadion,
Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society, volume 206, Philadelphia,
- Guest Editor, Expedition, 27,
2 (1985), 'Exploring 5000 Years of Athletics'.
Book Award
Publications, Articles
- With Mary E. Voyatzis, “Excavating at the Birthplace of Zeus,” Expedition, vol. 52, 2010,pp. 9-21.
- “Romanization in the Corinthia: Urban and Rural Developments,” in Roman Peloponnese III, Society, Economy and Culture under the Roman Empire: Continuity and Innovation, A.D. Rizakis and Cl. E. Lepenioti, eds., National Hellenic Research Foundation, Diffusion de Boccard, Athens, 2010, pp. 155-172.
- With Mary E. Voyatzis, “Preserving Ancient Arcadian Heritage: Proposal for an Archaeological Park,” Paysage et Religion, Melanges offerts a Madeleine Jost, Carlier, P. et Lerouge-Cohen, C., ed., Paris, in press, 2010, pp. 41-54.
- With Mary E. Voyatzis et. al., The Parrhasian Heritage Park of the Peloponnesos, Philadelphia, 2010.
- "The Archaeology of Mathematics in an Ancient Greek City," in The Oxford Handbook of the History of Mathematics, Eleanor Robson and Jacqueline Stedall, eds., Oxford University Press, 2008, pp. 229-252.
- "Cult Digs. The Sanctuary of Zeus on Mt. Lykaion," Current World Archaeology 30, August/September 2008, pp. 42 - 48.
- "Judges and Judging at the Ancient Olympic Games,"
in Onward to the Olympics: Historical Perspectives on the Olympic
Games, G.P. Schaus and S.W. Wenn, eds., Canadian Institute in Athens
#5, Wilfred Laurier Press, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 2007, pp. 95-114.
- With Mary E. Voyatzis, "Excavations at Mt. Lykaion
Underway," Newsletter of the American School of Classical Studies
at Athens, Fall 2006, pp. 11, 26.
- "Roman
Suveyors in Corinth," in Proceedings of the American Philosophical
Society, March 2006, vol.150, No. 1, pp. 62-85
- With G.E. Andrianis and E.G. Andrianis, "Σχεδιασμος
αρχαιου στιβου
αγωνων μεγαλων
αποστασεων" (The design
of an ancient long distance race course), in Αρχαια
Ελληνικη Τεχνολογια
(Ancient Greek Technology), (Proceedings of the Second International
Conference on Ancient Greek Technology, Athens, 17-21 October 2005),
Athens 2006, pp. 472-479.
- "A New Topographical and Architectural Survey
of the Sanctuary of Zeus at Mt. Lykaion," in Ancient Arcadia
(Papers from the third International Seminar on Ancient Arcadia, held
at the Norwegian Institute at Athens, 7-10 (May 2002) Erik Østby
(ed.) Athens, 2006, pp. 381-396.
- With N.L. Stapp and M. Davison, "Mapping Augustan
Rome: towards the digital successor," in Imaging Ancient Rome:
Documentation - Visualization - Imagination, L. Haselberger and
J. Humphrey, eds., Journal of Roman Archaeology, Supplement 61,
2006, pp. 271-282.
- "A Roman Circus in Corinth," in Hesperia
74, 2005, pp. 585-611.
- "Urban and Rural Planning in Roman Corinth,"
in Urban Religion in Roman Corinth, D.N. Schowalter and S.J.Friesen,
eds., Harvard Theological Studies, 2005, pp. 25-59.
- "Multiple Victors at Olympia: Images, Portraits
and Icons," in The Olympic Games in Antiquity, Atrapos Press,
M.A. Kaila, G. Thill, H. Theodoropoulou, Y. Xanthacou, eds., Athens,
2004, pp. 94-133.
- "When the Games Began: Sport, Religion and Politics
Converged in Ancient Olympia," Archaeology Odyssey, July/August
- "Minoan Surveyors and Town Planning at Gournia," METRON,
9th International Aegean Conference, Yale University, Aegaeum 25, K.
Foster and R. Laffineur, eds., September 2003 pp. 247-256, figs. XLVIII-L.
- With Nicholas L. Stapp and Andrew Gallia, "Making
the Map" in L. Haselberger with D.G. Romano, E.A. Dumser, ed., Mapping
Augustan Rome, Journal of Roman Archaeology, Supplement 50,
Portsmouth, Rhode Island, 2002, pp. 29-39.
- With Douglas Arbitter, Osama Tolba, Nicholas L. Stapp,
and Andrew Insua, "The Use of GIS and Remote Sensing in the Study of
Minoan Town Planning at Gournia," CAA 2002 Proceedings, Computer Applications
and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology Conference, Heraklion, Crete,
2003, pp. 155-160.
- "City Planning, Centuriation and Land Division in
Roman Corinth: Colonia Laus Iulia Corinthiensis and Colonia
Iulia Flavia Augusta Corinthiensis," in C.K. Williams and N. Bookidis,
eds., Corinth XX, The Centenary, 1896-1996, ASCSA, 2003.
- "Une étude topographique informatisée:
centuriations de Corinthe et aménagement du territoire," in Atlas
Historique des cadastres d'Europe II, Commission européenne,
Action COST G2, Paysages anciens et structures rurales, Luxembourg,
2002, 4T.
- With Nicholas L. Stapp, "Corinth Computer Project:
Internet Education," Archaeological Informatics: Pushing the Envelope
CAA 2001, Goran Burenhult, ed., BAR International Series 1016, 2002,
- "A Tale of Two Cities: Roman Colonies at Corinth,"
Romanization and the City: Creation, Transformations and Failures,
Elizabeth Fentress, ed., Journal of Roman Archaeology, Supplement
38, Portsmouth, Rhode Island, 2000, pp. 83-104.
- "A Curved Start for Corinth's Fifth-century Racecourse,"
Appearance and Essence. Refinements of Classical Architecture: Curvature,
Lothar Haselberger, ed., Philadelphia, 1999, pp. 283-288.
- "Stadium" entry in Dictionary of Art, Macmillan
Publishers Limited, London, 1999.
- With Nicholas L. Stapp, "Piecing Together the City
and Territory of Roman Corinth," Archaeological Computing Newsletter,
52, Winter 1998, pp. 1-7.
- "Planning the Forum in Roman Corinth," abstract, AJA
102, 1998, p. 377.
- "GIS Based Analysis of Ancient Land Division in the
Corinthia, Greece" in COST ACTION G2, Paysages Antiques et Structures
Rurales, The Use of Geographic Information Systems in the Study of Ancient
Landscapes and Features Related to Ancient Land Use, John Peterson,
ed., European Commission, Brussels, 1998, pp. 21-30.
- "The Corinth Computer Project: Reconstructing the
City Plan and Landscape of Roman Corinth," in Archaeological Applications
of GIS, Proceedings of Colloquium II, UISPP XIII Congress, Forli,
Italy, September 1996, Ian Johnson and MacLaren North, eds., Sydney
University Archaeological Methods Series 5.
- With Chris Rorres, "Finding
the Center of a Circular Starting Line in an Ancient Greek Stadium,"
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Review, 39, 4,
pp. 745-754.
- with Osama Tolba, "Remote Sensing and GIS in the Study
of Roman Centuriation in the Corinthia, Greece," Computer Applications
and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, 1995, Analecta Praehistorica
Leidensia, Leiden University, pp. 457-463.
- "Lykourgos, The Panathenaia and the Great Altar of
Athena: Further Thoughts Concerning the Pnyx Hill," The Pnyx in the
History of Athens, Finnish Institute at Athens, 1996, Helsinki,
pp. 71-85.
- "Seminar Explores Techniques of Ancient City Planning,"
American School of Classical Studies at Athens Newsletter, Spring
1995, No. 35, p. 1, 10.
- with Osama Tolba, "Remote Sensing, GIS and electronic
surveying: reconstructing the city plan and landscape of Roman Corinth,"
Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology
1994, eds., Jeremy Huggett and Nick Ryan, BAR International Series 600,
1995, pp. 163-174.
- "Greek Land Division and Planning at Corinth," abstract,
AJA 98, 1994, p. 296.
- with P. G. Warden, "The Course of Glory: Greek Art
in a Roman Context at the Villa of the Papyri (Herculaneum), Art
History 17 (1994) pp. 224-250.
- "Post 146 B.C. Land Use in Corinth and Early Planning
of the Roman Colony, 44 B.C.," in The Corinthia in the Roman Period,
edited by Timothy E. Gregory, Journal of Roman Archaeology, Supplement
No. 8 (1993), pp. 9-31.
- with Benjamin C. Schoenbrun, "A Computer Architectural
and Topographical Survey of Ancient Corinth," The Journal of Field
Archaeology 20, 2 (1993) pp. 177-190.
- "Philip of Macedon, Alexander the Great and the Ancient
Olympic Games," The World of Philip and Alexander, The University
Museum, 1990, pp. 61-79.
- "Computerized Survey Underway: Corinth Computer Project,"
American School of Classical Studies at Athens Newsletter, Spring
1990, No. 25, pp. 10-11.
- "The Athena Polias Project/The Corinth Computer Project:
Computer Mapping and City Planning in the Ancient World," Academic
Computing, March 1989, pp. 28 ff.
- with Irene Bald Romano and Lisa Stigelman, Greece
and Rome: The Classical World, Exhibit catalogue from the Glencairn
Museum, Bryn Athyn, Pa., March 1986.
- "Introduction" pp. 3-5, and "Boycotts, Bribes and
Fines: The Ancient Olympic Games," pp. 10-21, Expedition 27,
2 (1985).
- "The Panathenaic Stadium and Theater of Lykourgos:
A Re-examination of the Facilities on the Pnyx Hill," American Journal
of Archaeology 89 (1985) pp. 441-454.
- "Today's Olympics: Old Problems?," The Summer Pennsylvanian,
May 31, 1984, p. 3.
- "The Road to Olympia - 300 B.C.," The New York
Times, May 6, 1984, Views of Sport, p.2S.
- with V.C. Pigott, "A Bronze Siren Cauldron Attachment
from Bryn Athyn," MASCA Journal 2 (1983) pp. 124-129.
- "The Ancient Stadium: Athletes and Arete," The
Ancient World 7 (1983) pp. 9-16.
- "The Stadium of Eumenes II at Pergamon," American
Journal of Archaeology 86 (1982) pp. 586-589.
- "The Origins and Evolution of the Ancient Greek Stadium,"
American School of Classical Studies at Athens Newsletter, Fall
1981, p. 19.
- The Stadia of the Peloponnesos, Ph. D. Dissertation
in Classical Archaeology, University of Pennsylvania, 1981.
- "An Early Stadium at Nemea," Hesperia 46 (1977)
pp. 27-31.
Publications, World Wide Web
- "Culture and Tradition: The Ancient Olympic Games," commissioned article
written for the Salt Lake City Organizing Committee of the 2002 Winter
Olympic Games,,
2002. (Current location:
- World Wide Web site, Corinth Computer Project, second release,,
- World Wide Web site, The Real Story of the Ancient Olympic Games,,
1997. (Current location:
- Editor-in-Chief, (with Umberto Moscatelli) Evolutions, Journal
of Landscape Dynamics,,
1996. (Current location:
- World Wide Web site: Corinth Computer Project, first release,,
Publications, Educational Video and Audio
- Greed, Bribes and Scandals, educational audio tape, Institute
of Mediterranean Studies, Getzel M. Cohen, Executive Producer, Cincinnati,
Ohio, 1999.
- The
Ancient Olympics: Athletes, Games and Heroes, educational video,
Institute for Mediterranean Studies, Cincinnati, Ohio. Executive Producer,
Getzel M. Cohen.
- Review of Stephen Miller, Ancient Greek Athletics, Yale University
Press (2004) in American Journal of Archaeology, 110, 4, October
2006, pp. G73-74.
- Review of Barry Cunliffe, The Extraordinary Voyage of Pytheas the
Great, Walker Publishing Company, New York (2002) in Expedition,
Vol. 46, 2004, p.45.
- Review of Panos Valavanis, Hysplex: The Starting Mechanism in Ancient
Stadia: A Contribution to Ancient Technology, University of California
Press (1999) in American Journal of Archaeology, 105, 2, April
2001, pp. 353-354.
- Review of Olympia, 2800 Years of Athletic Games: From Ancient Greece
to the Modern Revival, Finatec Multimedia, Athens, in Archaeology
53, 2, March/April 2000, p. 89.
- Review of James R. McCredie, et al., The Rotunda of Arsinoe, Samothrace,
Excavations conducted by the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University,
Vol. 7, Princeton (1992) in The Classical World, 89, 3 (1996),
pp. 236-237.
- Review of Stephen G. Miller, Arete,
Greek Sports from Ancient Sources, Second Edition, Bryn Mawr
Classical Review, 4.2.7 (1993), pp. 106-110.
- Review of Jeanette Greenfield, The Return of Cultural Treasures,
Cambridge University Press, New York (1989) in The Classical World,
85, 1991, pp. 136-137.
- Review of Wendy J. Raschke, ed., The Archaeology of the Olympics,
The Olympic and Other Festivals of Antiquity, University of Wisconsin
Press (1988) in The Classical World, 83, 1990, pp. 363-364.
- Review of J.J. Pollit, Art in the Hellenistic Age, University
of Cambridge Press (1986) in Classical Outlook, 65, 4, May-June
Publications in Progress
- The Planning of Roman Corinth, projected volume in the Corinth
Excavation Series, American School of Classical Studies at Athens. To
include text volume, gazetteer, CDs.